The Big 3: Tuberculosis Part 3

It's time for our third and final post on TB, or at least for the time being. Part one and part two are here if you haven't read them yet. In my last post, we talked about the course of a tuberculosis infection. Now let's dig into how we've treated TB over our history. Treatment Antiquity A disease as old as tuberculosis has endured many treatment regimes over the centuries, some worse than others. Hippocrates prescribed milk, food, and exercise for his patients. The Roman physician Galen recommended fresh air and sea voyages in addition to the milk. It also appears that he and other doctors of his time advised that their patients eat wolf liver and drink elephant urine. Our ancestors treated their tuberculosis with bloodletting as well, which isn't a surprise because bloodletting is a terrible treatment that was used to treat everything back then. Other treatments included: inhaling smoke, licking limestone, consuming animal fat, and eating butter boile...